Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse ~ With Kathy Andersen

101 WAYS TO HEAL: Practices to Heal Trauma & Thrive

Kathy Andersen Season 3 Episode 12

Today, for the Season Finale for Season Three,  we’re joined by Linda Curran. Linda is a trauma specialist, clinician, best-selling author, film producer, and a sought after national trainer on trauma.  When I read Linda’s book, 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions, I knew I needed to introduce Linda to you all because she brings together so many different tools for healing and trauma recovery that we can learn about and try out—in our time and our own space, and see which ones fit and which might be for another time. Now, 101 interventions might sound over-whelming, but it’s actually a world of possibilities for us – and this is what this podcast is all about – enabling each of us to find new ways to overcome the impact of child sexual abuse in our daily adult lives, step by step, day by day.

Linda is an international speaker on the treatment of trauma, and has developed, produced, and presents multi-media workshops for clinicians and clients. Linda’s multi-media projects include a four-part video program as part of The Master Clinician Series, including  Trauma Treatment: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century, Power Therapies: EMDR and BeyondEMDR: Step by Step, Treating Complex Trauma: Beyond Competency, & Addiction, Trauma, & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) . Linda constantly advocates for accessible and integrative trauma treatment for all of those affected by trauma.

For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org