Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse ~ With Kathy Andersen

Self-SOULstice: A Process of Self Healing

Kathy Andersen Season 3 Episode 5

Today, I’m joined by Dr. Dionne Bates. Dionne is a licensed professional counselor who holds a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in counseling psychology, and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. 

Dr. Bates works with her clients to help them reach optimal mental health by 
teaching them to affirm themselves, affirm others, and live authentically. After almost 20 years in clinical practice, Dionne has observed that the root of much mental and emotional distress is our inability to integrate our “true” selves into various realms of our lives. 

Dionne recently published the Emotional Lifeline and Mapping Journalas a tool to help us connect with, and navigate through, our emotions; and is the author of Six Steps to an Emerging Authentic, Affirmed Self. Dionne created a self-healing model, The Self-SOULstice Self-Affirmation Model to help us all move through an empowered process of self-healing.

Dionne has been featured on several radio shows, and has participated in discussions on human sexuality and sexual health with first year Emory University medical students. Her research has included identity development, LGBTQI plus issues, and models of affirming self and others. Her writings have been featured in the Atlanta Tribune, Blavity.com, Your Tango, Dailyworth and numerous regional, national, and international newspapers and academic journals.

Dionne was an Educational Psychologist at Georgia Southern University’s (GSU) Counseling Center where she had responsibility for the students’ mental health and provided education and support to faculty and staff. Dionne also taught graduate studies, serving as adjunct professor in GSU’s College of Education and Alabama A&M University’s Department of Psychology and Counseling. 

Dr. Bates has provided consultation to many businesses and agencies, including the award winning BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective), where she served as Senior Mental Health Advisor from 2017-2022.

The owner of Self-SOULstice and based in Marietta, Georgia, Dionne provides a range of psychotherapeutic, supervision, and consultative services. 

For more resources, visit www.OvercomingChildSexualAbuse.com and www.End1in4.org